Risorse in rete


Abbiamo selezionato alcuni archivi che conservano materiale audio e video registrato di interviste con soggetti vicini alla ricerca di ORMETE (teatro, musica, cultura popolare), in parte facendo riferimento alle informazioni fornite dall’AISO nel suo sito on-line, in parte integrando con altre indicazioni utili per una ricerca sui temi di ORMETE.



  • Sede: Via San Francesco Sales 5 – 00165 Roma
  • Descrizione: Aiso, acronimo di Associazione Italiana di Storia Orale, si è costituita a Roma nel corso del 2006 per rispondere all’invito rivolto dalla IOHA (International Oral History Association) agli studiosi ed ai ricercatori italiani di storia orale, nel corso del Congresso Internazionale tenutosi a Roma nel 2004 ad organizzare una struttura capace di raccogliere, organizzare e mettere in comunicazione le molte realtà di ricerca e di fruizione delle fonti orali, promosse sia da singoli che da enti, istituti e associazioni, presenti nel nostro Paese.


  • Sede: Italia, Roma (Per info e contatti)
  • Descrizione: Un’associazione affiliata all’Istituto de Martino che ha archiviato, a partire dalla fine degli anni ’60, la più grande raccolta di materiali sonori musicali e storici di Roma e del Lazio. Il lavoro di ricerca oggi continua a essere mezzo di collegamento tra il Circolo e il territorio riproponendo i materiali raccolti attraverso pubblicazioni, convegni e corsi di formazione.
  • Archivio: L’archivio Franco Coggiola è e consiste in svariati fondi, tra i quali quelli digitalizzati sono il fondo Roma e Lazio, il fondo Giovanna Marini e il fondo Ardeatine.


  • Sede: France, Paris-Nanterre (Per info e contatti)
  • Descrizione: Bibliothèque-Musée spécialisée dans l’histoire contemporaine et les relations internationales aux 20e et 21e siècles, la Bibliothèque de documentation internationale contemporaine-BDIC est placée sous la tutelle du Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche.
  • Archivio: A la fin des années 1980 naît «Mémoires vivantes», une première série d’archives orales enregistrées sur supports audio, puis vidéo. Au début des années 1990 la BDIC a crée un Secteur audiovisuel. Catalogo consultabile on-line


  • Sede: United Kingdom, London (Per info e contatti)
  • Descrizione: The BLSA holds many sound and video recordings, with over a million discs and thousands of tapes. Its collections come from all over the world and cover the entire range of recorded sound from music, drama and literature, to oral history and wildlife sounds. Formats range from cylinders made in the late 19th century to the latest digital media.
  • Archivio: The BLSA’s oral history collections cover a wide range of subject areas such as British colonialism, religion, the history of medicine, industry, politics, the arts, women’s history and Jewish history. We collect audio and videotaped interviews and welcome offers of suitable oral history material that offer insights in British national identity and culture. The BLSA’s oral history collections cover an extensive range of subject areas and have been organised into the broad categories listed below in order to give an outline of the material held. On the theatre in particular see here.

INA – Institut National de l’Audiovisuel

  • Sede: Francia, Parigi (Inathèque) e Dipartimenti (sedi distaccate)
  • Descrizione: Fondato nel 1975, l’INA è un’impresa pubblica, incaricata della conservazione, valorizzazione e trasmissione del patrimonio audiovisivo nazionale francese.
  • Archivio: Il patrimonio dell’INA è enorme e conta più di 4.000.000 ore d’immagini e di suoni. Oltre al deposito legale dei programmi radio-televisivi a partire dal 1975 e buona parte della programmazione proveniente dai decenni precedenti, l’INA conserva la documentazione audiovisiva di quattro teatri nazionali (Théâtre de l’Odéon, Théâtre de Chaillot , Théâtre de la Colline, Théâtre de Strasbourg) e del Conservatoire national supérieur d’art dramatique. I fondi teatrali comprendono registrazioni di spettacoli, interviste, conferenze stampa, materiali cartaceo correlato, ecc.


  • Sede: Texas, Baylor University  Waco (per info e contatti)
  • Descrizione: The Institute for Oral History creates oral history memoirs by preserving a sound recording and transcript of interviews with individuals who are eyewitnesses to history. Together with our interviewees, we document memories representing the diversity of American society and encompassing varied topics of social and historical significance. We encourage oral history scholarship through fellowships, graduate assistantships, and training workshops, and we share the outcomes of our oral history research through publications and public programming.
  • Archivio: Since its founding in 1970, the Institute for Oral History has collected over 5500 interviews. The Institute has created transcripts of almost all interviews in the collection, and most of these transcripts are available to researchers and the public in PDF format. About half of the transcripts in the collection have been fully edited and compiled as finished oral memoirs, and the fully-searchable texts of all of these are available online. Draft versions of most of the remaining transcripts are also available online as searchable full-text documents. link


  • Sede: Italia, Sesto Fiorentino (FI) (per info e contatti).
  • Descrizione: L’associazione è stata fondata nel 1966 da Gianni Bosio e Alberto Maria Cirese. L’Istituto ancora adesso continua a raccogliere, ordinare, elaborare, utilizzare il complesso delle manifestazioni della cultura orale di tutto il mondo popolare e proletario.
  • Archivio: L’archivio è composto da una nastroteca (oltre 6.000 nastri per un totale di 15.000 ore di registrazione); una biblioteca (consultabile online); una discoteca (pubblicazioni discografiche del mondo popolare); una fototeca; una filmoteca; una raccolta di manifesti riguardanti la storia del movimento operaio e bracciantile. Solo il catalogo della biblioteca è consultabile online, ma sul sito è pubblicata una dettagliata descrizione delle sezioni dell’archivio.


  • Sede: Usa, New York (per info e contatti)
  • Descrizione: The OHRO is the oldest and largest organized oral history program in the world. These memoirs include interviews with a wide variety of historical figures. While a large part of our collection consists of biographical memoirs, historians and researchers also have at their disposal a rich range of projects focusing on specific topics and experiences. OHRO has recently developed an online oral history program, which features a visual history of the Carnegie Corporation of New York and a series of interviews with “Notable New Yorkers.”
  • Archivio: Founded in 1948 by Pulitzer Prize winning historian Allan Nevins, the oral history collection now contains nearly 8,000 taped memoirs, and nearly 1,000,000 pages of transcript. In particolare il progetto sull’Apollo Theatre http://library.columbia.edu/locations/ccoh/new_projects/apollo_theatre.html


  •  Archivio: The Tate Gallery since 1972 publishes the audio cassette-magazine Audio Arts, Contributors include Andy Warhol, Joseph Beuys and Marina Abramović. Now all the magazine is online.


  • Sede: Spain, Madrid (info e contatti)
  • Descrizione: Its chief objective is to collect, preserve and make available to researchers and professionals the artistic, graphic and statistical material, etc. produced by staging activities.The Theatre Documentation Centre aims to disseminate Spanish theatre in and outside our borders, both in its different forms and types, and the different sectors within; all from a historic perspective but also from today’s stage reality.
  • Archivio: The integrated Catalogue is an excellent data base which collects thorough information on documents that can be found in the collections of the Theatre Documentation Centre: videos, photographs, audios, programmes, posters, press cuttings, caricatures, manuscripts, company dossiers…; it finds any document quickly and easily, and lists this document with all related contents of our collection. In particular, we recommended the Theatre sound archives, Eco De Las Voices


Words and Silences

Words and Silences is the official on-line journal of the International Oral History Association.

It is an internationally peer reviewed, high quality forum for oral historians from a wide range of disciplines and a means for the professional community to share projects and current trends of oral history from around the world.

History & Memory

History & Memory explores the manifold ways in which the past shapes the present and is shaped by present perceptions.

The journal focuses on a wide range of questions relating to the formation of historical consciousness and collective memory, the role of historical memory in modern and premodern cultures, and the relationship between historical research and images of the past in different societies and cultures.

Published by: Indiana University Press

Memory Studies

Edited by Andrew Hoskins, University of Glasgow, UK; Wulf Kansteiner, State University of New York at Binghamton, USA; Catherine Stevens University of Western Sydney, Australia and John Sutton, Macquarie University, Australia Memory Studies affords recognition, form and direction to work in this nascent field, and provides a critical forum for dialogue and debate on the theoretical, empirical, and methodological issues central to a collaborative understanding of memory today.

Memory Studies examines the social, cultural, cognitive, political and technological shifts affecting how, what and why individuals, groups and societies remember, and forget.